The word was actually coined by evolutionary biologist, Richard Dawkins, but I like how Goleman writes about the brain science behind "memes" (see his writings about "mirror neurons" in his book, or learn about them at the following link: I find that Science always adds credibility to an issue.
The amazing point to recognize here is that we're wired to mimic. This is amazing because it explains why obesity, fitness, kindness, violence, etc... seem to replicate through people like a gene.

And, as if to highlight this point, I received an overwhelming email response from the friends with whom I shared the concept of writing "the top 110 things to do before I die." Here's what two of them said:
"I for one have been inspired... I shared your LIST with the boys last night. [My husband] and I both are starting ours."
"Thank you for sharing your list! I've just started one of my own."
Goal-writing is an example of a meme, and seems to give legs to the saying: "actions speak louder than words."
Can you tell that I find the concept of 'memes' fascinating? I mean, just look at the number of 'feel good' sites in my list of links. I am enchanted by the idea that we all have the power to make a positive difference in the world, and I have a feeling that the concept of "memes" will play a large role in my future studies on conflict.
photo taken by RebelBlueAngel, and found on the web at:
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